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Carolina Union and Student Government Begin Phase Out Process of Student Activities Fund Office (SAFO)

CHAPEL HILL, NC – Over the past several years, the costs of the Student Activities Fund Office (SAFO) have placed a substantial burden on student organizations and on Student Government. SAFO administrators and Student Government have explored numerous options to reduce SAFO’s cost and ultimately decided that the best solution would be to phase-out SAFO and move SAFO’s clients’ funds into external bank accounts. This process will occur throughout the next fiscal year, which will begin July 1, 2017 and will end on June 30, 2018.

Beginning July 1, 2018, the Carolina Union Business Office will manage all Registered Student Organizations’ (RSO) Student Government funding (04 Account) and donations received from the University. During the next fiscal year the Student Activities Fund Office will work to transition RSO’s Self-Generated Funds (01 Account) to external bank accounts, although no action is required until after officer trainings in fall 2017.

The Carolina Union will provide training to assist RSOs and other SAFO clients in navigating the process of establishing external bank accounts. They will also strive to form a mutually beneficial partnership with an external bank to support a seamless transition.

Throughout the upcoming year, the Student Fee Audit Committee will be working on this transition and ensuring that it is as smooth as possible. As the SAFO phase-out progresses and more details are finalized, we will provide timely updates. In the meantime, please feel free to contact any of the following people with questions:

Ben Albert, Undergraduate Student Government Treasurer,

Manuel Hernandez, Graduate Student Government Treasurer,

File to print can be found here.

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