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UNC Student Government has been given the autonomy of self-governance over a wide range of important university functions, including student fee appropriation and oversight, honor code enforcement, student parking, and more. The operations of UNC Student Government are governed by a framework established in the Student Constitution, which is affirmed by the administration and authorized under the delegated authorities from the Board of Trustees and Board of Governors.

Beneath the Constitution exists the body of Student Law, which includes the Joint Code of the Student Government, the Undergraduate Student Government Code, and the Graduate and Professional Student Government Code. Both constituencies–undergraduate and graduate/professional–have autonomy over their own self-governing codes. The Joint Code exists between both constituencies and may receive amendments from either constituency Senate, which then must be affirmed by a 2/3 majority vote of the legislative members of the Joint Governance Council.

The UNC Honor Code and its systems of enforcement are codified in The Instrument of Student Judicial Governance, the content of which is authorized by agreement of student government, the administration, and the faculty council.

Furthermore, UNC Student Government is bound by the existing policies of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina System. The repositories of University and System policies have been linked below for your reference.

Finally, each branch within each constituency has their own system of internally-governing policies. Both Senates are governed by standing rules which they adopt annually, and both Executives are authorized to issue executive orders. These documents are maintained on the web pages of each governing group.


UNC Student Constitution (Feb. 2024)

Joint Code (July 5 2023)

USG Code (November 7 2023)

GPSG Code (October 2022)


The Instrument

UNC-CH Policies, Procedures, and Standards

UNC System Policies and Resources